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A League For New & Amateur HockeyQuestionMark Players

What is HockeyQuestionMark?

HockeyQuestionMark is a first person 3D hockey game for PC. Players have full control of their character, and there is no random simulation or computer players like in the console games. The high-point of the game is the community-run leagues which boast a competitive atmosphere. The leagues have an active community of players, and have lots of room to accommodate more! The gameplay is often described as highly addictive, and you will find that there is a very high ceiling for skill level. Nothing is cookie cutter, and what you put into it determines how you play.

What is Nubstars?

Nubstars is a HockeyQuestionMark server that runs an automated ranking-based league that is welcoming for new players. The idea is to cater to those that are not competitive in a highly skilled environment and are looking to improve against players of a much closer skill level. Not everyone has the time to commit to becoming a highly skilled player, and this server fills the gap by providing a place to play for both casual gamers and players still honing their craft.